
Duane Michals Portrait of the Artists

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cet article
paru le 13 août 2000
3 portraits
de Duane Michals
(qui a étudié avec Andy Warhol)
un de Magritte
un autre de de Chirico
et un dernier de Balthus
de Chirico, il écrit:
1968 :I was surprised to hear that de Chirico was still alive.
I visited him in his home near the Spanich Steps in Rome and asked
to photograph him. He was aloof and imperious and appeared not to
understand English. When I met him again, in a café, he was warm
and outgoing. I asked a friend why he was so different outside of his home.
"Have you met Mrs. de Chirico?" he responded.

J'aime bien les portraits d'artistes
de Chirico
et Balthus
je comprends pourquoi à la fin
Michals écrit:
"The last of my holy trinity, the end of a 30-year quest"

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